Thursday, January 27, 2011

Dislocated Sgoulder Get Well Card

Goldilocks and the 33 variations

Goldilocks and the 33 variations
the Grinder Company - Directed by Anne BITRAN
Saturday, February 5, 2011 at 20 h 30 - The Eldorado at Saint-Pierre d'Oleron
(in partnership with the city of Saint-Pierre d'Oleron)

Tuesday, February 8, 2011 at 20 h 30 - Foreshore in Marennes
(in partnership with the City of Marennes)

Rates: 12 € / 11 € / 10 € (member golden cup) / 8 € (12 - 26 years) / 3,50 € (- 12)

- Reservations:
Theatre The Gold Cup
May 1946 82 15 15
-theater-tickets @ coupedor. com

Saint-Pierre d'Oleron
Cultural Services
05 46 36 32 77

05 46 85 04 36

You certainly know the story of Goldilocks, but do you know that there are a multitude of ways to tell?

Two actors and one pianist are exploring different narrative modes, including drama, amazing music and projections about improbable media (including a mirror of soap that has earned the company the price Grinder The Art and Science Workshop 2009). Which earned the company the price of Grinder's Workshop Art and Science, 2009). which earned the company the price of Grinder's Workshop Art and Sciences, 2009).

The famous tale of the curious little girl and the three bears is told ten times from the variations of the poet and novelist Jacques Jouet. Of history in alliteration in "f" or "He was once a skinny, curly girl who did not shy away from home" to the medieval tale damsel of Goldilocks that was lost in the forest .... These are ten versions of the exercise in style and bring a wealth of records and emotions, between fear and humor, poetry and letter.

To accompany each story and each scene of shadows and images, a pianist interprets one of 33 variations on a waltz by Diabelli Beethoven.

poet Jacques TOY, also a novelist, short story writer, playwright, essayist and artist, is a member of the Workroom of Potential Literature (OULIPO) since 1983. He participates in "Papuans in the head" on France Culture. It is the author of a series broadcast on the Internet: "The Republic of Mek Ouves. In 2007 he published a novel called "a bad mayor."

Company "The Grinder" was created in 1982. Throughout its evolution it has explored various ways, street theater, musical theater, puppet and even scientific.
The company is focused on building new scenic forms and the requirement of a text box. A research binder plastic (exploration of new techniques and rediscovery of forgotten techniques) to a theatrical work, it looks a match between the place of representation, the subject of the show and its shape.

To see the video mirror soap: ). Share

live performances and invite them to return. Programming Theatre Gold Cup in partnership with the cities of Saint-Pierre d'Oleron and Marennes.
Two matinees for schools will be given in each city followed by a performance everyone.

Under "Awakening Arts, entertainment for all ages, from children with school may return to one of the free performances open to all schools by exchanging their ticket against a ticket at the ticket any public theater. (It is better to advertise the number of places is limited.)


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