Monday, July 12, 2010

Japanese Women On Trains

Chad: the role of civil society in Democratic Change

Chad is a country where all powers are concentrated in the hands of
one person or one ethnicity. This absolutism
has not severed its ties with the appetite for some
power. A force to denounce extortion, it begins feverishly
the emergence of a pluralist system. Although slow to join the camp of countries
opening, the change in policy coincides with
the emergence of a stronger civil society.
regard to civil society in Chad, its development is both a
by-product and a catalyst of democratic movement. That's what
here in the land of Deby, civil society is defined as
all community organizations, implementing NGOs,
unions, professional associations, religious organizations
gious, media, student unions, cooperatives and other groups
can then consider the role of civil society in the Govern-
decentralized governance includes at least four functions a function
lawyer to represent the interests of its circum-
descriptions, a function of service delivery at local level in
the fields of education, health, sanitation, etc.. In
its shares to human nature, society performs the function of civil
government partner in development, resource mobilization
and promoting a better understanding of the sys-tem
decentralization finally, function of monitoring the activity

the Liberal Party of Chad, we believe that it is not
actors of civil society to play these roles all alone while his song-
that the functions mentioned above are not always
clear and easily achievable. The Department recognizes the PLT
potential of civil society in the context of combating
for democratic change in Chad. In one approach
able to resolve the social needs of Chadian regions close or distant
network of education, health and support
to economic and agricultural activities. PLT believes that civil society
part of the development plan can not be ignored. It is essential
associate efforts promotion and support
democracy and strengthening the legislative process.

Under a government from the Liberal Party of Chad, civil society
will be a key partner in its role of catalyst-chan
Democratic Change following an approach from the base to the summit.

Liberal Party of Chad

Chadian Chadians, join the Liberal Party of
Chad ,
the party of Rights and Freedoms:
Peace, Education, Employment and Prosperity, to
real change: Prospering
Present and Future Investing in

National Reconciliation Forum open to all


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